Monday, January 27, 2014

Brian's Movie Conspiracy Theories

Today, I'll be discussing some of my favorite movie conspiracy theories. I came up with some of these and heard about the rest from friends, but all of them make perfect sense, when you think about it (and all of them have been discussed online, I can promise you that). Once you notice them, you won't un-notice them...I can promise you that. I'll only do three theories for this particular post, but I may do more in the future.

1) The Dark Knight
Theory: The Joker was a veteran
"You wanna know how I got these scars?"..."A truckload of soldiers will be blown up, and nobody panics, because that's all part of the plan."
Is the second line just chance? Possibly...but possibly not. The Joker never does give a straight answer as to how he did, in fact, get those scars. It would also explain his deep-seated resentment of organized government, particularly America's. I mean, we all resent the government, but we don't want to see our nation descend into anarchy. The Joker would disagree with that. It might also explain why he's so darn crazy. Irritability, nervousness, thinking the world is against you...these are all symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, and the Joker exhibits all three. It's quite possible he might have some other mental illness stemming from a traumatic a bombing. This theory is plausible at worse, and quite likely. It would also explain how a common crook knew how to use a military-grade rifle whilst trying to kill the mayor of Gotham City.

2) Fight Club
Theory: The movie is based on a grown-up version of the popular '80's comic strip Calvin and Hobbes
"You know you kind of look like a cartoon tiger in that jacket, right?"
For those of you who aren't familiar with the comic strip...Calvin is an imaginative six-year-old boy, Hobbes is his stuffed tiger/imaginary friend, and the two of them have crazy adventures together, because Calvin's life is actually sad and lonely. For those of you who know Fight Club, you may be seeing some similarities already. For those of you who aren't, what about the fact that the narrator's imaginary friend is named Tyler? As names go, it's about as close as you can get to the word "tiger." And what about that scene where Tyler wears the striped orange coat, and the narrator tells him that he looks like a cartoon tiger? And the fact that we never learn the narrator's name...coincidence? I noticed this the first time I saw the movie, and I'm convinced that it wasn't an accident or a coincidence. Fight Club is a grown-up, R-rated version of the comic strip I've loved since I was a kid. And I'm not sure I like that.

3) The Rock
Theory: Sean Connery's character is Sean Connery's Bond, abandoned by the British government after he was caught spying on the United States
"Mason was the British operative who stole the files...Of course, the British claimed that they'd never heard of him."
This theory ties into another well-known theory which many of you may be familiar with: James Bond is actually a codename for Agent 007. When one Bond dies, another agent becomes the new 007 - and becomes the new James Bond. If you subscribe to that theory, this one is obvious. In The Rock, Connery plays an ex-MI-6 agent named John Mason, imprisoned for spying on American officials. According to the film, Mason has no records of ever having lived in Britain...fitting for a nation's top secret agent, wouldn't you say? Mason also makes cracks about his sex appeal, requests suits, and reminisces about his womanizing past...not at all something an elderly James Bond would do. Granted, John Mason is rougher, fouler-mouthed, and less suave than James Bond, but hey - a few decades in prison will do that to a guy.

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