Tuesday, March 4, 2014

My Crappy Excuse

Well, it's been quite a while since I've posted here, and still will be a while. Here it is: my crappy excuse. It can be summed up in three letters: S, A and T. I also invoke the the-play-starts-in-two-weeks-and-rehearsals-are-going-into-overdrive clause, but it's mainly the SAT. My schedule this past week has been arrive home at six, wolf down some sort of sustenance, go up to my room, do (most of) my homework, and study for the test until I either fall asleep at my desk or 1:30 rolls around. It seems that the teaching staff of Herricks High School has united to make this week the most difficult of my life. I don't even want to think about tomorrow, when I have my final SAT class and won't get home until nine. Long story short - all of my schoolwork from last Wednesday until this upcoming Saturday (SAT-urday) is going to be pretty darn poorly done, and that includes my blog. So instead of putting up two half-assed posts, I'm going to make up my posts for this week over the weekend, and leave you all with the most overused excuse in the history of the United States.

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